Baby Loss Podcast

Gemma tells Oscar's story

Gemma Season 1 Episode 4

Each week I am joined by a bereaved parent to discuss baby loss, neonatal death, stillbirth, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy and other issues related to pregnancy resulting in a loss. We will discuss other complications that may have left a devastating affect both physically and emotionally.

Today I talk to Gemma who tells the story of her son Oscar who she sadly lost at 26 weeks pregnant. Gemma talks us through her pregnancy and the complications that came along before sadly resulting  in Oscar passing away.

Gemma is the founder of 'Oscar's Wish Foundation' which she created after the loss of Oscar. Oscar's Wish Foundation is a charity offering bereavement Support to families in Sussex and throughout the UK. They are run solely on volunteers who work tirelessly to meet the demand for support, advice, resources and counselling after the loss of a baby.
To find out more about Gemma and the foundation please search